As always, thank you for making each Chrysalis flight a great success. We could not put on a flight without each member of our Emmaus and Chrysalis community. Please continue to bathe each flight, each RUSH, each team meeting, and each board meeting in prayer.
The board would like to remind everyone of a few things:
1. The cost of a flight is $100. The deposit will be $25 with the remaining $75 to be paid at registration.
2. We know it is difficult to meet deadlines, but the Chrysalis committee has set a deadline for applications for several reasons. First, the registrar must have time to get information back to the participant, the sponsor, and the parents. Second, a sponsor needs time to prepare their participant for the weekend. They must have time to collect letters for their participant as well. Third, it is very difficult to buy food for the weekend when we do not know the number of people who will be on the weekend. For these reasons, we ask that you have all applications in 12 days prior to the flight.
3. The duties of the sponsor are very important. You must make sure that your participant is prepared for the weekend both spiritually and physically. Wrap your participant in prayer before, during, and after the flight. Please make sure you share what is needed with your participant. They will need bathroom supplies and bedding supplies such as air mattress, etc. We have a few extras but not enough for everyone. Please bring them to Send-off, attend Candlelight, and be at Closing. Also make sure they attend the scheduled RUSH, which is usually the Saturday night after the flight.
NOTE: The board must have 10 boys and 10 girls signed up for the flight 12 days before the flight begins. If we do not have 10 each by that deadline, the flight will have to be cancelled. But once that deadline is met with 10 each, we will continue to take applications for one week - until the Monday of the week of the flight. After that no applications will be accepted. Thank you from the board for being God's hands and feet by sponsoring early. Fly with Christ!!
Thank you for being God's hands and feet!!