Our Mission:
Empowering leaders to be th​e hands and feet of Christ
The Purchase Area Walk to Emmaus Community (PAWTE) is an established ecumenical community whose objective is to inspire, challenge and equip local church members for Christian action in their homes, churches, and communities. Through the formational process of accountable discipleship in small groups and participation in the Emmaus community, each participant's individual gifts and servant-leadership skills are developed for the local church and its mission. Our community covers the area of Western Kentucky, west of Land Between the Lakes and the northwest part of Tennessee, and all points in between.
We were formed over 30 years ago by the Pennyrile Walk to Emmaus Community. As we grew, we helped form the Little Egypt Walk to Emmaus Community. Currently, there are over 100 churches represented amongst our 3000+ members. The Community hosts two men's Emmaus Walks, two women's Emmaus walks, one Chrysalis flight, and one Face-to-Face Encounter every year. The Emmaus Walks are held at The Hill / B.A.S.I.C.Training in Hardin, Kentucky each April and September. The Chrysalis Flights are held at Broadway United Methodist Church in Paducah, Kentucky on Martin Luther King, JR weekend each January.
PAWTE is affiliated with The Upper Room in Nashville, TN. We encourage you to check out the Upper Room website for books, devotionals, information about other Emmaus communities, and for a greater understanding of the wide-reaching areas of Emmaus and Chrysalis.
PAWTE posts up-to-date information on its Facebook page. You can find us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/pawte. Click here to join the group.