The vitality of the community is a reflection of the community's sponsoring practices. Sponsorship is a partnership between you and the Holy Spirit. God knows who should go on a walk, when they should go, and who should sponsor them. We are merely the human instruments He uses in the process.
It is critical that you take an active role in the weekend with your Pilgrim or Participant.
Below you will find a list of sponsor duties, a list of sponsor tips, and a few things NOT TO DO! Hopefully, you will find them helpful to make the experience the best for you and the pilgrim God puts on your heart to sponsor.
Sponsor Duties
Pray, pray, pray - before you sponsor anyone. Let God be your ultimate guide whether you sponsor someone and then, if He says, yes, ask Him to show you who.
Pray, pray, pray - during the weekend for your pilgrim/caterpillar, the team, and other pilgrims/caterpillars.
Pray, pray, pray - after the weekend for your Emmaus pilgrim or Chrysalis participant!
Try to make sure your application has​ no distractions for the weekend.
Send in the application and deposit at least two weeks before the walk. The application will not be processed without the fee!
Make sure the Emmaus pilgrim or Chrysalis participant has listed any special needs on the application: dietary, sleeping arrangements, medical conditions, etc.
Stay in contact with your pilgrim's/caterpillar's family during the weekend to allay any nervousness or worry
Give your applicant the "What to Bring" list
Personally bring them to Send-Off at 6:00 pm on Thursday night of the Emmaus Walk or 8:00 a.m. on the morning of the Chrysalis Flight.
Get their bags into their room and the bed made.
Introduce them to people you know. Don't leave them unattended!
Attend Sponsor Hour
Be diligent to gather encouraging letters from family, friends, and other important people in the pilgrim's/caterpillar's life. (Have the letters ready by Candlelight)
Attend the Community Gathering and Candlelight Service
Attend Closing and provide your pilgrim/butterfly a ride home
Take pilgrim to Gathering following his/her walk
Take a participant to RUSH following his/her flight. They are also welcome to attend Emmaus functions
Encourage them to stay connected -- gatherings, RUSH, reunion group, volunteering, serving on a team, becoming a sponsor
Please, do not bring special gifts for your pilgrim/caterpillar during the walk/flight
Sponsor Tips
Share with the Emmaus pilgrim or Chrysalis participant how the Walk impacted your relationship with Christ, your family, and your church. But remember, we all react differently to God's grace. Don't expect them to have YOUR experience or set them up for failure if they don't.
If a pilgrim is married, make every effort to offer the Emmaus experience to them as a couple.
Talk to the pilgrim/caterpillar about the walk/flight in broad terms. It's OK to tell them they will be sitting in table groups for the weekend and listening to and discussing 15 talks by lay people and clergy. Tell them about the facilities where they'll be staying. Remember, the fear of the unknown is powerful. So be prepared to answer their questions.
What Not To Do
Drop off your Emmaus pilgrim or Chrysalis participant at send-off and leave!!
Fail to get letters for your Emmaus pilgrim or Chrysalis participant!
Mislead or lie to your Emmaus pilgrim or Chrysalis participant!!
Refuse to answer their questions. Nothing about the weekend is a secret. They may need a few answers to feel more comfortable.
What To Bring
Comfortable clothing for three days, towels and washcloths, toiletries, light jacket/sweater, prescriptions, flashlight, hair-dryer, bed linens for a twin bed, pillow, Ear plugs, Cash, check or credit card (if you want to purchase books, t-shirts).
FOR A CHRYSALIS FLIGHT: The Chrysalis participant will need a blow-up mattress and bedding. There are no products available for purchase on a flight so no cash is needed. For Sunday night's meal, please bring clothes you would wear to church.